Are The Lego DC DVD Movies Finished?


Staff member
Jan 5, 2014
The line of Lego DC DVD specials and movies that started in 2014 with Lego Batman Beleaguered helped bring about a more family friendly DVD movie line in contrast to the more adult oriented DC Universe Original Movies. The consistent presence is probably helped by how it's essentially easy merchandise due to the popularity of Lego.

However, some have wondered if we're not getting any more of these DVD movies given how it's been a rather slow release schedule for the most recent ones. I mean, in 2019 and 2020, there was only 1 movie each, not 2 (Lego Batman: Family Matters and Lego Shazam: Magic And Monsters respectively) in contrast to the usual 2. The year 2017 didn't have any movies released in this time, but it did have the short lived Lego DC Superhero Girls franchise that had 2 DVD movies, and had much of the same people from the regular Lego movie line, so it was like a nice holdover.

It could be possible that it's now the norm for there to just be one movie per year, but signs still point to a cancellation. Some have speculated that this could be because of how Lego did theatrically when the Lego Movie 2 underperformed at the box office and WB can no longer make theatrical Lego movies, thus also affecting the DVD line. Some have speculated this could be because of everything going on with Warner Media because of the company merger with AT & T, which has been known to at least affect some shows (like OK KO and Infinity Train), and thus those currently in charge probably didn't see this as a priority.

If the line is indeed cancelled without a formal announcement, then it wouldn't be surprising. It would remind me of the Marvel Rising franchise, which had the potential to be the next big thing, but everything going on with Marvel restructuring itself around 2018-2019 caused the projects currently airing to stop production, meaning a premature end.

To get a little personal here, the Lego DC DVD movies were a sense of comfort and joy for me, helped by how there was a consistent presence of the movies. It'd be a shame to not let kids have a consistent movie presence like this to make them happy.

Still, what do you think?


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Well in December 2019, it was reported "Warner Bros. and The Lego Group have not renewed a pact to produce movies."

As I brought up in the LEGO Shazam thread, there was a vague report near the end of April 2020 that announced LEGO signed an exclusive with Universal - the details of that weren't revealed.

Then a crew member from Teen Titans Go! in June 2020 also confirmed WB and Lego have not renewed a pact to continue producing Lego movies.

So it seems like there won't be more DC LEGO movies but if LEGO Shazam is the last one or if there's 1 or 2 left in the pipeline, we'll see... Whether that affects Disney's LEGO movies like Star Wars and Marvel, we'll also see.


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