Toonami on an international scale is almost dead too...

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May 1, 2005
where the wind takes me
On May 17, 2009 Toonami on cartoon network will cease to broadcast (even though it only aired 1/2 hour on Saturday and Sunday and only aired power rangers, at least it was something). I believe that CN Spain and CN Pakistan are the only networks that still air toonami and who knows how much longer those will last as well.

Foe anyone who's interested here's the Toonami Spain website
As an interesting side note CN spain also airs Shin Chan.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2009
Pallet Town
Toonami Spain is actually going strong. I don't think that will die.

One question, though. Does TOM host Toonami Spain too?
No, TOM isn't on CN Spain, unfortunately.

CN Spain also shows Doraemon. In fact, it and Shin-Chan are their highest rated shows. They even got their own custom bumpers back in the CN City era.

Raidon Makoto

Long Live The Heroes
Mar 1, 2006
No, TOM isn't on CN Spain, unfortunately.

CN Spain also shows Doraemon. In fact, it and Shin-Chan are their highest rated shows. They even got their own custom bumpers back in the CN City era.
The top part sounds absolutely horrible, but the rest is pretty cool. If they don't have TOM, I do wonder what their bumps look like.
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