C&C - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans S2 - "Scapegoat" [4/7]

Master Knight DH

Knight of Game Balance
May 25, 2009
So yeah, what a mess this whole thing has become. And considering who Tekkaden has accepted as Dane as revealed....

Meanwhile, are we seeing a polygyny scene?


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Well, okay. So there's still 3 1/2 episodes left. Things should improve. I mean at least Orga and Mikazuki, even though I would have given them flak for acting like mafia in an earlier episode, are at least still clearly honorable enough to the end.
At this rate, we're heading for an ending somewhere between Cowboy Bebop and Code Geass.


So he and Atra--

Isn't she, like, eleven?

Oh, sure, let's let Atra see them. Complicate this love triangle subplot further.

We've had child brides and a pimp on this show. Let's not arrange a threesome here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
Well, cat's outta the bag now.

It may not be 100% confirmed that she's pregnant, but...yeah, Mikazuki and Atra totally did it.

Master Knight DH

Knight of Game Balance
May 25, 2009
If only Mikazuki's luck wasn't questionable before. Hopefully it will at least improve.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Oh, like he was going to let you off that easily.

I'll be on my way to kill you all shortly. Don't go anywhere.

Master Knight DH

Knight of Game Balance
May 25, 2009

...so you're going to just kill Tekkaden even though they're surrendering? **** THE **** OFF, YOU ****BAG!


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
They cut their wifi! Those FIENDS!

I think they intend to put you in timeout. Permanently.

Master Knight DH

Knight of Game Balance
May 25, 2009
Well, hopefully, we'll make that cowardly ***** Rustal Elion our *****. We just have to.

Master Knight DH

Knight of Game Balance
May 25, 2009
So Elion wasn't hateful enough, eh? Hope he gets what's coming to him.

Couldn't agree more. He's hiding behind plot armor at this point. Of course, his plot armor will erode and when it does, he's 160% dead, dead, DEAD.


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
Okay, the fact that this will end tragically is obviously telegraphed. Who wants to bet that Atra/Kudelia/Mikazuki's hug will be their last. The fact that Atra is pregnant seems like we're going the Old Yeller route of character will die, but at least puppies (or babies in this case) make it happy? Orga doesn't seem any safer. I'm not sure that Rustal will get any commupance considering how bleak things have been. Rustal kills everyone and gets away with it could be the ending.

This show in general has been the oddball as 2018's only non-battle shonen and it's quite the experience. I know that mecha has had a massive decline in the American otaku market in the 2010s, but IBO seemed to cause a brief renaissance. I know Darling in the Franxx had buzz, but it seemed to be a brief flavor of the month. Would it be a good choice to keep the mecha train going? Problematically, because of all the long runners, there are so few slots and mecha fatigue could happen. What's the future of mecha on Toonami after IBO?

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this episode was really good. I already had a strong feeling of where the episode was going when I saw the title, but it didn't make the twist any less depressing. I had a strong feeling that Orga's decision to team up with McGillis would backfire and even he was starting to question who the real enemy is, but it's even worst than I thought. All of Tekkadan is labeled as criminals, they lost most of their funds and their allies like Kudelia are in a tight spot. Even Biscuit's little sisters weren't sparred, which is just sad. So many people just instantly believed what the news told them, although they were helping out with McGillis' plans to overthrow Gjallarhorn. Still, it's actually kind of tragic. While Tekkadan isn't full of noble heroes, they wanted to make a better place for themselves and become the Sovereigns of Mars. Now they can't do that and they'll be lucky to survive by the end of the series.

I really liked how Orga wanted to give everyone the chance to leave since he knew that things would only get more dangerous. Zack was pretty blunt, but he wasn't incorrect either. He could see that the writing was on the wall for Tekkadan. He wanted to get out partly for his own safety, but he also felt bad that so many nice people he cared about could be charging to their deaths. He's just one of the few, if only, people within Tekkadan that has a home to go back to. Most of the other characters don't have that. That's why they're willing to fight to the death for Tekkadan. It was the only place they felt like they belonged and was the first time they felt alive.

While it was pretty obvious that something did happen between Mikazuki and Atra, I didn't expect them to reveal it so casually through Mikazuki, although it does fit with his character. Atra may not be pregnant yet, but since they brought up the possibility of her having a baby, the chances are pretty excellent that she will become pregnant. Kudelia's reaction was pretty funny and I could understand why she had mixed feelings on Mikazuki ending up with Atra. She was happy for them, but she also had feelings for Mikazuki as well. Of course, Atra was completely fine with that and was fully in support of Kudelia having a baby with Mikazuki too. This is still the weirdest love triangle I've ever seen and also somehow the healthiest. They do seem to really care about each other and their group hug at the end was sweet, even if it did seem like giant red flags for everyone.

Orga being willing to betray McGillis made sense. They were already way too deep and in over their heads. With all of the damage they received during the previous battle, their lack of resources and being labeled as criminals, they really didn't have any choice. Of course, it couldn't be that easy and Rustal is a huge jerk to say the least. He could have gotten more than enough credit for bringing in McGillis and Orga was willing to sacrifice himself entirely in order to protect his family, but Rustal was just not interested. He could have gotten what he wanted without wanting to kill all of Tekkadan. That was just cold. Eugene and Akihrio were upset over Orga choosing to sacrifice himself, but it wasn't like he thought that his life was worth as much as the lives of everyone else in Tekkadan. He just wanted to save their lives even at the cost of his own.

At least it did seem like they had a bit of luck with retaining some of their funds and setting up a plan to go to Earth, but then McGillis showed up. It seemed like he knew that they would try to run off and cut off their communication. It says a lot when I honestly can't tell who is worse between McGillis and Rustal, but they're both pretty awful. Overall, it was a really good episode. I can already see the tragic ending coming, but I hope that it will still be good and there will be some happiness when we get to the finale.


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