So when and how did Harley become the "Cosplay Darling" of the DC Pantheon again?


DCAU Historian
Jan 16, 2019
New Jersey
Paul Dini loved the character and kept shoving her down the producers' (and the fans) throats, and they came up with Mad Love to justify his obsession.
I think it's safe to say that by the time they did Mad Love, Bruce Timm had also come to enjoy the character. You don't agree to draw a 64-page comic about a character you're indifferent about.
Just as long as we're keeping score on Paul Dini obsessions, I don't think STAS ever fully justified his obsession with Mr. Mxyzsptlk (although Gilbert Gottfried helped out a LOT there) and NOTHING ever really justified his obsession with Zatanna.
I'm not really sure what you mean by "justifying his obsessions." And what would "justify" his "obsession" in your mind? What's the matter with Dini writing characters just because they interest him? Does every character he writes have to pass some sort of fan litmus test first?
There was no need for her to be in Joker's Millions or Beware the Creeper or Girls Night Out, and the Mad Love episode pales in comparison to the superior comic book.
And what, pray tell, would the Creeper have done in his episode if he wasn't pursuing Harley?


Active Member
Feb 5, 2024
United States
There was no need for her to be in Joker's Millions or Beware the Creeper or Girls Night Out, and the Mad Love episode pales in comparison to the superior comic book.
ngl something tells me 2/4 of her starring roles had to do with kids' WB's more lenient censors at the time

like, no way was fox gonna OK her seducing her puddin' with lingerie-laden innuendos or covering herself in off-white whatsit

Ed Nygma

Active Member
Apr 27, 2021
I loved her in "Joker's Millions" simply because I loved Fake Harley. How did you feel about Harley showing up on Justice League?
I actually thought her cameo in that show was pretty fun, simply because we hadn't seen her for awhile at that point. For the same reason that she in no way shape or form should've been in Static Shock or something like Girls' Night Out, which would've been more fun as a Batman/Babs and Super/Kara ep.
I think it's safe to say that by the time they did Mad Love, Bruce Timm had also come to enjoy the character. You don't agree to draw a 64-page comic about a character you're indifferent about.

I'm not really sure what you mean by "justifying his obsessions." And what would "justify" his "obsession" in your mind? What's the matter with Dini writing characters just because they interest him? Does every character he writes have to pass some sort of fan litmus test first?

And what, pray tell, would the Creeper have done in his episode if he wasn't pursuing Harley?
I wouldn't have included the Creeper at all probably, in the same way I wouldn't have included all those Kirby references in Superman where they didn't belong haha. Put it this way, I thought he was fine, but if him appearing necessitated yet another Mr. Skullface Joker and Harley TNBA ep, it was a bad idea.
ngl something tells me 2/4 of her starring roles had to do with kids' WB's more lenient censors at the time

like, no way was fox gonna OK her seducing her puddin' with lingerie-laden innuendos or covering herself in off-white whatsit
That is probably true but I do think the idea that Fox censored Timm and Dini more than KWB did seems a bit like a narrative they made up, probably because they were much happier being in-house at WB for other reasons. I have no doubt it was the illusion of creative freedom to them, but the Fox episodes seem so much darker and moodier and more adult. Kids WB is also where we had silly mandates like Batgirl or Robin had to be in every ep, Bruce Wayne had to have the same voice all the time, etc.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2024
United States
well, there were those 9 bat-taboos that led to them thinkin' outside the box (+ those excerpts from the BTAS artbook)

idk sometimes you just hafta be there to see if how much of it was a tall-tale or not


DCAU Historian
Jan 16, 2019
New Jersey
...or something like Girls' Night Out, which would've been more fun as a Batman/Babs and Super/Kara ep.
Well, what you're describing is a different episode. The entire point of "Girl's Night Out" was that it was a Supergirl/Batgirl team-up. It only made sense to use female villains there, and Harley, Ivy, and Live Wire were the obvious choices.
That is probably true but I do think the idea that Fox censored Timm and Dini more than KWB did seems a bit like a narrative they made up, probably because they were much happier being in-house at WB for other reasons.
No, the producers absolutely had more freedom at Kids' WB than they did at Fox. Kids' WB let them use the arsonist villain Firefly, with caveats. Fox wouldn't let them use Firefly as a villain at all. They were also able to adapt Mad Love to the show without too many big changes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
No, the producers absolutely had more freedom at Kids' WB than they did at Fox.
It’s true. Things like Batgirl’s ‘death’ in ‘Over The Edge’ and the * ahem* climax of ‘The Ultimate Thrill’ would never have got past the BS&P department at Fox. Dan Turpin’s death in ‘Apokolips…Now!’ probably wouldn’t have been cleared either.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2024
United States
ngl i rly wanna know all the ways the BTAS crew sidestepped thru all of the 9 bat-taboos seen in that drawing y'did (guns, drugs, breaking glass, alcohol, smoking, nudity, child endangerment, religion, and strangulation, in that order)

(now where was i, again? harley cosplay?)


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