TALKBACK - Ben 10 - "Need For Speed" - [11/3]


A jester is you!
May 14, 2012
The Land of Flowers

Episode 36

Fridays at 5:00p/4:00c!

Need for Speed
FRIDAY at 5:00 PM

This week...
Touring Yellowstone National Park, Ben uncovers a plot by LaGrange who wants to dig out an old treasure from below the national park.​

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Ben 10 "Need For Speed"

I hate it whenever superhero shows do a Wacky Races episode. Teen Titans did one, Batman: The Brave And The Bold did one. This is worse than either, because I don't know any of the characters.

And Ben actually having to think a moment about whether or not to save the villain or the treasure shows he is not a hero and never has been. *1/2.


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