"Batman: Caped Crusader (Amazon Prime)" Animated Series News & Discussion Part 2 (Spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
I wonder how the 1940s setting is gonna play out. Will it be the ACTUAL 1940s with all it's social issues that would be hard to deal with for some characters such as racism, sexism, homophobia, etc? Or will it be simply a 1940s inspired setting, which would avoid said issues?

I'm hoping for the latter. And even if it is explicity shown to be the 1940s, I hope those issues are non-existent in the show.

They're important issues, but I don't want to see Gordon fighting racism instead of criminals, Montoya having a crisis because she can't come out of the closet instead of doing detective work. It's just not what I want to see on a Batman series. It's fiction after all, and I have no problem pretending I'm watching the 1940s without those social issues. I hope I'm not being disrespectful with this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2010
Lackawanna, NY
I get the immediacy of shows now of speeding up a character's arc to having a super hero alter-ego. The shows always were on the precipice of cancellation or not back in the day but now it's a bit more urgent with some shows not lasting long, others do. And with it being set in the 40s, the work place obstacles she encounters alone would influence an alter-ego to get done what she can't when she's on-duty...

But on the other hand, I'm more interested at where Montoya will be in the GCPD. Gordon is already commissioner. Is Montoya a rookie? Detective? Already an entrenched veteran like Jim? It was subtle but I always liked Montoya slowly going up the ranks between her 1st appearance in BTAS up to the TNBA era when she's I guess a commissioner's assistant? Anyway, I tend to hope it's this approach. And maybe a possibility she suits up in season 2 or beyond, knock wood.
Given the 1940s setting (or does it just resemble the 1940s?), Montoya as a rookie might make the most sense. I'd like to see her struggles as she attempts to rise through the ranks.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I think mostly it'll just have a 1940's vibe without being specifically set in the 1940's just like how B:TAS was a temporal anomaly built from many different era's (like a lot of Bat-Media).

I think they also said it would limit their tech so no cell phones, Bat-Computer, and the Batmobile will probably be low-tech.

I also get the vibe that this might be a show where we get Batgirl before (or instead of Robin) because Babs is confirmed to be in it and they could do a version of Babs who becomes Bagirl as a separate hero from Batman instead of a protege/partner assuming they don't think that's in the cards for this version of Batman. And, hopefully if Bruce Timm has learned his lesson, not a love interest.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
From a Facebook post by J.M. DeMatteis:

"Spending time in Gotham City this week—wrapping an episode for season two of Amazon's upcoming CAPED CRUSADER series and working on the final issue of ROBIN LIVES!"
JM DeMatteis writing an episode of a Batman cartoon. We live in the best timeline :).

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
I'm still erring on the side that it won't be any more explicit than, say, My Adventures with Superman even if the subject matter and stories will be much darker.

(Also MAWS had people legit getting vaporized at some point...)

So do you think Clayface or Harley Quinn will murder people on screen? I feel like that would be the big line this show could cross to make it more dark than BTAS?


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